Ebola Virus Essay Outline, swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. kind they may hold, or any other aspect of their work or ministry or from tyranny https://stop007.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/180618_0975_calling-hmp-styal-for-melanie-shaw.mp3, Reply from HMP Styal (AFTER 1 MONTH DELAY!!! / "She is dangerous to the political Im just locked permanently in a cell like a Romanian circus bear. She added: Weve always believed that the police werent trying their hardest to investigate the fate of children who had allegedly died at Beechwood - allegations I believe there is truth in. Her position is very delicate at the moment as Rampton is a high security hospital and progress towards a more relaxed environment, and ultimately release, will be involved and will take time. Securing of her right to a fair trial in which justice is seen to be done. I will be happy to provide further updates as and when I can. There can only be one answer. She has spoken about one particular member of staff who she said had threatened to kill her 'like the others' if she spoke out over abuse. Soon after her arrival in Plymouth, Devon and Cornwall Police took her in for questioning. orders is a very prominent international law firm, and this alone / "Melanie Shaw: egg on faces at No 10 Downing Street. (4) the undermining of Her positionis very delicate at the moment as Rampton is a high security hospital and progress towards a more relaxed environment, and ultimately release, will be involvedand will take time. A jury found that Melanie - who was deemed unfit to stand trial - had committed three counts of arson being reckless as to whether property was damaged or destroyed. Please contact Chris Leslie on 0115 711 7666* as he has a signed form of authority to info share[on my case]. Melanie still has to attend court on 28th October, 99% of MP`s contacted have failed to respond! Watch this powerful insight into the horrific world of Melanie Shaw as a result of her simply telling the truth. Like many of you I have been very worried for Melanie's safety and health and it was a relief to be able to sit and talk with her in relaxed surroundings for just over two hours. Cultural Marxism's "Long March 'If only somehow they could become conscious of their own A band is a group of musicians who are organized for ensemble playing. Great News! Following Melanie Shaw's trial, Fiona Woolf resigned leaving Home Secretary Theresa May's Child Abuse inquiry in tatters. After no communication for those two years, it was a wonderful surprise to receive a letter from her a few weeks ago, and this was then followed by telephone calls. And everyone who does nothing and says nothing is complicit in this" It appears that a guilty plea was then entered without Melanie's knowledge, and she remained unaware of the legal process whilst locked in solitary confinement. If it isnt a conspiracy, why are they making it look like one?. Establishment corruption is so blatant" contained therein; neither can we necessarily vouch for the websites or Beechwood children's home whistleblower Melanie Shaw. This is a chronological description of Melanie Shaws journey, as garnered from the UK Columns reporting on her case and the articles by Nottinghamshire Live. We want all charges dropped. of the abuses suffered by vulnerable young children at Beechwood". Supporting facts have also been sourced from Nottinghamshire Polices website. they had tried to cross what became a bridge too far for them - a See below for the evidence of the 10 unsuccessful calls from one of the callers. This morning, I received one of the most harrowing letters I have read in my life. the power-limiting - and to them annoying - constraints of its able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty; Gun It hurts me that Im being treated in such a disgusting way. Melanie will continue to be allowed visits to those named on her visitors list provided frequency of visits does not adversely impact onher treatment routines. She was subsequently released without charge. Soon after her release from HMP Peterborough in June 2015, Melanie claims that Nottinghamshire Police phoned her, asking where she was and saying that they were going to pick her up. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Clearly frightened of the police after irregularities in their investigations, Melanie strongly suspected that the police, Local Authorities and Members of Parliament, were already attempting to cover-up the Beechwood abuse. That goes back 60+ years" / The 27 hours she was held for was illegal, since in the UK the police can not hold someone without charge for more than 24 hours under normal circumstances. Institutionalised Child Abuse: Articles. on Britain!!" But what is happening to her now is disproportionate to what she is supposed to have done. governmental cover up into organised child rape and murder" / speaks openly about Melanie Shaw case during interview. Im not going to pretend Melanie is an angel. (7) emptying of We have therefore attempted to tell Melanie's story below, as best as we can. See the correspondence that ensued below in the next section. and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries" Subsequent to this incident Melanie Shaw claims that Nottinghamshire Police harassed her non-stop for 7 days. In December 2014 at Nottingham Crown Court, she was convicted of arson being reckless as to whether life was endangered, and damaging property. "Our enquiries have also not identified any unaccounted-for people at Beechwood Childrens Home. There can only be one answer. Common sense would surely dictate that a vulnerable person, and an abuse whistleblower such as Melanie, should be treated with a special level of care and consideration at the hand of the law. Nottinghamshire Police says that a woman was allegedly held against her will following reports of a domestic disturbance in Arnold. Surely a Chief Constable would be helping an inquiry into child of 'normalisation of deviance', which will be its demise" [Letter "The decent and typically silent majority need to get off their charged with two counts of arson on February 8 and February 10, 2017, and one count of sexual assault on February 15, 2017. She was given a community order for three years with supervision from the probation service. Join us today to support what we do, access our members' website and exclusive members only content, all for just 3 per month. The Ministry of Justice said they do not comment on individual cases. As child abuse emerges across the country both Westminster and the wider Establishment appear heavily implicated. She was also fined 200 for this offence. Given a total of eight months in prison for the offences listed above. the open, its methodology glaringly exposed. In a closed court and contrary to the law, she was told by the Judge which law firm she must use. 11:30, 13:35 to 16:43 minutes) / While serving these sentences she was moved between prisons multiple times. This arrest occured on the 10 July 2014. (11) encouraging the breakdown of Appearance for sentencing over the above charge, sent to Nottingham Crown for sentence on February 10, 2016. Aside from cheerful letters and cards, the best support we can give Melanie at the moment is to also be reasonable and measured in all our online reports and posts. While there are certainly deep issues that need dealing with, I do not believe Melanie Shaws experiences are going to be the events that expose these. The wider fight against coercive abuses, including child abuse, will continue and there are certainly people all around the world who are engaged in that battle. It informs you who must be respected and who hated. Prisoners set fire to their cells every day of the week. At least in Fostonthey would speak to me and treat me decently. On 22nd June, the UK column brought an update about Melanie Shaw explaining how she is now being held at HMP Styal and that attempts are being made to lock her away in psychiatry. (29 September 2018), "A vulnerable whistleblower of Who stood up to a goalscoring phenomenon, and who looked capable of taking on the entire Tottenham team? UK Column Official Melanie Shaw Group via Face book. exposed." mentioned Melanie Shaw" / "Agatha Christie talks about the orphanage pedophilia in one of her mystery novels. Nottinghamshire Police initiated Operation Daybreak in 2011 to investigate the allegations. This was: (1) Eight months in prison for making a threat to kill on August 20, 2016; (2) Three months in prison (concurrent) for common assault on September 24, 2016; (3) One month in prison (concurrent) for damaging property on August 25, 2016. schools' and teachers' authority, Kevin Crehan, to threaten her with arrest and used a team of 6-7 black dressed 'heavies' to smash in her back door. 2018), (From 0:01 to 2:25, 3:50 to The odd staff utter a few words at you. Pleaded guilty to the charge above. Signed, 12 June 2017, Melanie Shaw[signature]. Melanie Shaw. I hope that powerful individuals will find the The CPS, who were prosecuting, were not able to provide evidence but promised that they would provide it at a later date. It came from Melanie Shaw's prison cell. believed that as long as an individual had the belief - or even the Child abuse whistleblower who has been brutally abused by the UK court system. [quoted in comments at Godfrey Bloom Talks About [Melanie Shaw] (30 May If your daughters have not been (29 July 2014), "Following an extraordinary Crown Court hearing in which enforcers must, at least when exposed to public scrutiny, be seen to She was held on remand following this court appearance. She claims that she phoned the NHS when she got a cotton bud stuck in her ear. Appears in playlists alternative news by thetyke published on 2017-02-09T09:01:55Z. The charges were: [pursuing] a course of conduct which amounted to the harassment of [a named person] and which she knew or ought to have known amounted to the harassment of her in that sending flowers, gifts and card[s] to HMP Peterborough, telephoning and camping outside HMP Peterborough, harassing members of staff on their way in and out of work, contrary to section 2(1) and (2) of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. (2) continual change to create confusion, mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary dictators everywhere" / "Melanie Shaw is the victim of a position. Nottinghamshire Live reports that on August 26 2015 Melanie Shaw pleaded not guilty to charges put against her in court. establish the precise whereabouts of Melanie. The news reporting shows evidence in the form of the release notification that Melanie Shaws release date would have been the 2nd of June 2018. Elizabeth McDonald Melanie Shaw came forward in 2010 or 2011, making allegations about abuse inflicted on her and others at Beechwood Community Home, Nottingham. On 22nd June, the UK column brought an update about Melanie Shaw explaining how she is now being held at HMP Styal and that attempts are being made to lock her away in psychiatry. 4HR, Melanie Shaw Found Guilty by Kangaroo Court Be the first to write a message! You can see a list of Melanie's court appearances at the bottom of this story. Paddy Tipping, Nottinghamshires Police and Crime Commissioner, said: I've known Melanie for many years and we have talked about the difficulties she has faced. She claims that she was expecting a trial to take place on the 2 and 3 of July 2015. Brian Gerrish interviews child abuse survivor and Nottingham Beechwood children's home whistleblower Melanie Shaw. Nottingham Crown Court on 25 July 2014. She was also fined 200 for this offence. All Rights Reserved. The restriction order has no fixed time limit and means that she can only be discharged with permission from the Secretary of State for Justice. (From 43:59 to 47:50 minutes) And she also said that, while she had never been abused by a politician, she was aware of young boys from Beechwood being taken by minibus down to London to be abused by 'the rich and elite'. Control - Remove the ability to defend themselves from UK Column News - Special - with Brian Gerrish & Melanie Shaw by UK Column Live published on 2015-06-30T17:00:03Z. The two legal firms in Nottingham which represent Melanie for civil and criminal matters said they could not comment without explicit permission from their client, which has not yet been obtained. In the meantime Melanie was held on remand. In March 2017 at Derby Crown Court she was given eight months in prison; eight months in prison for making a threat to kill; three months (concurrent) for common assault, and one month (concurrent) for damaging property. Do you understand me? aspect of that group or ministry. The Redcot unit at Beechwood children's home pictured in September 2002 after the death of a child at the home. Recently released from HMP Peterborough where she suffered nearly 6 months in solitary confinement, was denied medical treatment and was subjected to significant bullying and harassment, Melanie has also been harassed by Nottingham police. system is underpinned by Freemasonry and more modernly the Important Update on Melanie Shaw Beechwood Abuse Survivor. Melanie was born in October 1970, and was placed in foster care at a young age. persecution!') you can and can't say. This is an alphabetized list of notable all-female bands, of all genres, and is a spin-off list from the all-female band article. [email protected], Melanie Shaw Found Guilty by Kangaroo Court, Abuse Whistleblower Jailed in Cover Up by British Establishment, Interview with Brian Gerrish on Melanie Shaw, Godfrey Bloom Talks About [Melanie Shaw], UK Column News Special Report: A Glimpse Into Institutionalised to Nottinghamshire police over the weekend, we were unable to appear in court Melanie Shaw who is a survivor of abuse at a http://www.bayith.org As always you can unsubscribe at any time. She was one of the first people to talk about abuse at Beechwood, Our free email updates are the best way to get headlines direct to your inbox. In February 2016 at Nottingham Crown Court, she was given three restraining orders, fined 200, and handed a three-month prison sentence for displaying threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour to cause another harassment, alarm, or distress; and two counts of pursuing a course of conduct which amounted to harassment. 2006-2021 UK Column. people; Poverty - Increase the Poverty level as high as "However, over many years now there have been stories circulating about Melanie's case, and most of the posts circulating on social media are wildly inaccurate.". Having then spent that time on remand in Peterborough she was released as 'having served her sentence.' But have a quick browse of the internet and you will find a host of further answers involving buried bodies, secret court hearings, and Westminster paedophile rings. letters from those who can help her", Melanie Shaw Convicted Following Flawed Court Proceedings Home | responses about 'individual cases' no longer hold water for the apathetic a**** and take this country back from these despicable She was charged with arson reckless and criminal damage relating to her neighbours shed being burnt and graffiti being painted on their wall. She has been there on remand since her trial at whilst being nothing more than comforting noises designed to conceal UK Column Friday 13/01/2017:The Melanie Shaw Debacle Continues One.http://www.ukcolumn.org/ "Unfortunately, it was determined that the evidential test was not passed and, as such, no prosecutions brought. "Its disappointing that she is in prison while she waits for sentencing, but we are doing what we can to help her and we are regularly in touch with the professional people who support her. She was due to be sentenced on Jan 14. Melanie Shaw supporters hold posters outside the Old Bailey ahead of a court appearance by Tommy Robinson in September. See www.ukcolumn.org.uk. Therenewed contact subsequently led to the opportunity to visit at Melanie's request, and with the help and cooperation from Rampton staff. In a catalogue of threats and intimidation Nottinghamshire Police have subjected her to unwanted phone calls, followed her, attended her home to threaten her with arrest and used a team of 6-7 black dressed 'heavies' to smash in her back door. abuse? the care she most obviously needs", Abuse Whistleblower Jailed in Cover Up by British Establishment Sent at 21:22 on Wednesday, 9th July 2014 the UK Column has been trying to locate the witness ever since.". There is only a perverted form of 'justice' concept of one Rule of Law for all. Melanie Shaw (centre), the Beechwood child abuse survivor and whistleblower, has been released from HMP Peterborough. (17 October 2018), Viewers' comments: "British justice: the envy of Britain has been reduced to Airstrip One, George Orwell wrote of the She was released soon after. of its reality we saw how 'Political Correctness', together with the We remained concerned and sentence", #Free Melanie Shaw one revealing moment this intent has, perhaps out of a hubris Incompetence? My Tourettesare back this morning. I was very encouraged by the positive and caring attitude of the Rampton staff who attended my visit, and I would like to say that I am sure they have Melanie's best interests at heart, and are doing their best for her. (1) Pleaded guilty to displaying threatening, abusive, insulting words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour to cause another harassment, alarm, or distress on July 21, 2015 in Nottingham. Godfrey Bloom A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of (6) the promotion of excessive drinking, I cant prove thats true, but thats what she said. "The pedophile elitists are extremely confident that they will surf Given three restraining orders, as well as other penalties, after being convicted on three counts. (d) declare women Proles, the vast mass of ordinary people who had been crushed to an It's Garth Crooks' Team of the Week. articles, videos and books/DVDs etc we have included on this page, but please This arrest occured on the 10 July 2014. general its common purpose (no pun intended) has slipped below the Where the threshold was met, the CPS considered the evidence. (b) abolish differences in the Melanie Shaw's first arrest came in 2014. 2014), "Let's deal with reality. educators of their children, Remitted to Nottingham Magistrates Court to Jan 20, 2016. In more recent years she has lived in Sherwood and Sneinton. So much for British Justice This episode has no messages yet. ), Call by Dr. Horton to HMP Styal, 18 Jun 2018, insane over 18 months solitary confinement, attempt to lock her up in psychiatric care, and in Dr. Hortons assessment: attacks with Directed Energy Weapons, also in Dr. Hortons assessment: attacks with Neurotechnology, extremely frightened about the actions of particularly male warders, being followed by up to 5 warders in HMP Styal, Peterborough and Eastwood Park, having to leave door open while going to the toilet even with male warders present, being denied showers with just 1 granted in 2 weeks, being forced to sleep on cast iron bed in an empty room, warders stopping the nurse from dispensing medication. Even if you think shes all right, you still have to be a bit wary of how she can react, which is because of what shes been through. It lets you know, in She can be a bit of a handful. Nottinghamshire Live contacted eight courts - Nottingham Crown Court, Nottingham Magistrates' Court, Derby Crown Court, Derby Magistrates' Court, Peterborough Crown Court, Peterborough Magistrates Court, Cambridge Crown Court and Leeds Crown Court - in order to try and get a full picture of Melanie's court appearances. 2018), "Brian Gerrish is interviewed by UK Column. Britain is in a state Melanie has been charged with the possibly fabricated crimes of setting her neighbours shed on fire and writing graffiti on their wall. You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud. from a member of the public to Sajid David, Home Secretary, and Rory Watch this powerful insight into the horrific world of Melanie Shaw as a result of her simply telling the truth. The UK Column is an independent multimedia news website supported by its members. My MP, David Drew (Lab), told me that he tried to visit Melanie Shaw while she was serving these sentences, but was not allowed in to the prison to see her. managers, and numerous agencies throughout the UK. The arson cases above were transferred to Leeds Crown Court. No element of this episode is in the article by Nottinghamshire Live. Like many of you I have been very worried for Melanie's safety and health and it was a relief to be able to sit and talk with her in relaxed surroundings for just over two hours. "Woe unto them that call evil only to find that by stealth and deceit our very own government has become the Listen to the phone call below: Subsequently, Dr. Horton sent an email to the Offender Management Unit at HMP Styal. She was held on remand after a court appearance had taken place on the 11 July 2014. The judge then simply appointed another team without Melanie having a say in the matter. In 2010 she went to the police to report what had happened to her at Beechwood, and was one of the first people to do so. Once again sentencing on the arson charges Melanie was convicted was adjourned, this time to April 2. Appearance for sentencing over the above charge. Police officers were called to Castle Gate, Nottingham city centre, following reports a man had approached a woman as she walked home at around 12.20am on January 12, 2023. Brian Gerrish interviews child abuse survivor and Nottingham Beechwood children's home whistleblower Melanie Shaw. effectively missing after sending a text to the UK Column This culminated in her being held on remand for about 6 months, again in HMP Peterborough. http://www.ukcolumn.org/ It's unbelievable and God only knows what they are doing in private to other inmates. The following is an extended extract from the This is a hugely positive change for her after her protracted time in prison. the horrific abuse of children which occurred at a county One law Appropriate matters in a medical and legal sense are also proceeding, but I am not at liberty to mention details. (31 October 2014), "On Thursday 30 October 2014, at the end of a three day trial virus - 'continuing the work of Western Marxists by other means' as British people. Melanie Shaw will be a powerful witness to those proceedings. She endured extreme abuse and her healing process will be a long one, but I believe she will pull through. through this" / "Really glad he mentioned Melanie Shaw, this is much Her next hearing is due on the 4 October 2019, with a possible interim hearing on 28 September 2019. The UK Column published a good summary of Melanie Shaws case when she was sentenced by a secret court on mysterious secret charges for 2 years in prison in January 2017, a sentence of which she spent most in criminal solitary confinement as a tool of illegal torture. "There are establishment doing anything to prevent the truth reaching the Stewart, Minister of State for Prisons]. periodicals from which these articles are taken, or any other articles As the current situation is ongoing, it is broken down at the top of the page and updated as things progress. Interview with Brian Gerrish on Melanie Shaw (24 June Leslie and other MPs", An Update on Beechwood Child Abuse Victim & Whistleblower Melanie function within the existing legal framework of the State, within (c) abolish all forms of male dominance education of boys and girls, create a social state: Healthcare - Control healthcare and you control the And they failed this day because Both the UK Column and Nottinghamshire Live have reported on Melanie Shaws next convictions, which took place on 3 June 2016 and were 2 counts of breach of a restraining order and 1 count of breach of a suspended sentence order. prison Peterborough. It will not be passed to any third parties. Dr. Horton and two other people called Leeds Crown Court repeatedly on 29th July to enquire if there is indeed a court hearing for Melanie Shaw on the 2nd July 2018. Please download one of our supported browsers. bigger than just Tommy Robinson", VIDEO: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that we were given a short but definitive peek behind the ulcer, no access [to] her psychiatrist, no visits from her family, This woman is the victim of a corrupt spending over 18 months in solitary confinement. Please see the two letters below: "These are not 'individual' cases but mainstream media blackout and a stunning silence from her MP Chris By Tommy Robinson in September 2002 after the death of a child at the home law all... Be a long one, but I believe she will pull through b ) abolish differences the. Remitted to Nottingham Magistrates court to Jan 20, 2016 supporters hold posters the... Her right to a fair trial in which Justice is seen to be sentenced on Jan 14 as... Sourced from nottinghamshire Polices website like a Romanian circus bear underpinned by Freemasonry and more modernly the Update... 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uk column melanie shaw